On July 22, 2024, CalCERTS notified the California Energy Commission (CEC), via CEC Docket 22-HERS-01, that it will cease operations as a HERS Provider starting August 2, 2024. The CalCERTS Registry will remain accessible to registered users and building departments for document downloads until September 1, 2024. However, no new registrations will be issued by CalCERTS (effective August 2, 2024).
HERS is the process by which specific construction requirements impacting Title 24 compliance are verified, such as insulation installation and duct sealing. CalCERTS and CHEERS were the only two organizations in California that have CEC approval to track HERS verifications and raters in alignment with Title 24 Energy Code, so the sudden closure of CalCERTS has a dramatic impact on residential projects throughout the state.
The CHEERS registry remains approved by the CEC to register residential compliance documents for California’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards for the 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2022 code cycles. The CEC is evaluating options to expedite the process for CalCERTS-certified Raters to become certified with CHEERS. CHEERS is also proactively reaching out to and assisting rater companies, energy consultants, and builders to transfer active projects from CalCERTS to the CHEERS data registry. To learn more about CHEERS, visit www.cheers.org or send an inquiry to help@cheers.org.
This closure is unfortunate and will cause additional administrative burden for owners, builders and developers, but the CEC has voiced its support to the Rater community as it transitions solely to using CHEERS. As the CEC learns more about the specific challenges related to CalCERTS’ closure and how these changes will affect the proposed updates to the associated regulations in the 2025 Energy Code, specific guidance will be provided as it becomes available. The CEC is also in the process of updating the HERS Program webpage to offer guidance during this transition, including updates to the Frequently Asked Questions section based on feedback received through the Energy Code Hotline.
For more information, please use the Energy Code Hotline Submission Form or explore CEC’s various online resources.
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