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Nonresidential Photovoltaic & Battery Requirements

Although the 2022 Title 24 code came into effect January 1, 2023, the Energy Code Coach service continuously receives inquiries regarding solar and battery requirements for New Construction Nonresidential projects.

Residential Forms for Occupancy (CF1R Highlights)

Last month, we highlighted the use of Residential Forms for permitting. Expanding on this challenging area of energy code compliance, this month, we are focusing on the use of CF1R and related forms for occupancy.

Residential Forms for Permitting (CF1R Highlights)

When submitting a new construction residential project for permit in California, the project team will typically submit a CF-1R form to show compliance with the California Energy Code (Title 24 Part 6).

Using the Energy Code Credit for Mini-Split Heat Pumps

Under the Residential Energy Code, new construction, variable capacity heat pumps (VCHP), commonly known as “mini-splits” are potentially available for a Title 24 ‘energy credit’ under the Performance Method, but there are several requirements that require attention.

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