- For Residents, Itzel Torres, Naomi Newman
Are you a renter trying to reduce the energy used in your home? Renters have more control over their energy...
- Electrification, Nick Brown, Robert Fortunato
The case for building All-Electric is stronger than ever. All-Electric homes are cheaper to build and operate, healthier and more...
- Andy Pease, CalGreen, Energy Code, Tatiana Solgin
This course focuses on Title 24, Part 11, the California Green Building Standards. We’ll review background of the code, the...
- Energy Code, Jennifer Rennick, Multifamily, Tatiana Solgin
Since the energy code update took effect in January 2023, the industry is adjusting to design, detailing and construction to...
- Alex Sloan, Electrification, Heat Pumps, Larry Waters
As more California homeowners begin electrifying their homes, heat pump installers will be faced with the challenge of navigating electrical...
- HVAC, Nick Brown, Russell King
Join Russ King, CEO of Coded Energy Inc., and Nick, an energy consultant, as they make the case why energy...
- Heat Pumps, On-Demand Training
As California moves toward all-electric buildings, heat pump water heaters (HPWH’s) are becoming more popular because they are very efficient...
- David Cho, On-Demand Training
The 2025 code cycle will see large revisions to the HERS (Home Energy Rating System) Rating program. To prepare attendees...
- Agriculture
This seminar covers how building this way fits into climate and resiliency needs for the planet and how the performance...
- ADUs, Energy Code
Since the energy code update took effect in January 2023, the industry is adjusting to design, detailing and construction to...
- Agriculture, Alex Sexsmith, Ashley Stallworth, Chris Velasco
This seminar covers the processes that are required to utilize hemp as a building material, and the processing and vetting...
- Heat Pump Water Heaters, Home Electrification, Incentives, Louis Barba
¡Bienvenidos residentes de los condados de San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, y Ventura, interesados en los calentadoras de agua con...