Reach Code Support
What is a “Reach” Code?
Reach codes are a method for jurisdictions to pass energy policy that “reaches”, or goes beyond, California state standards. They can include codes for building electrification, energy and water efficiency, solar panel installation, energy audits and benchmarking.
There are several types of reach codes:
- Building Efficiency & Renewables: whole building, equipment-specific
- Electric Ready: pre-wiring, panel upgrades, EV-readiness, EV charging
- Energy Plus Water: dual plumbing, on-site water reuse, water neutral development
- Information Disclosure: audits, benchmarking
- Process Loads: commercial kitchens, elevators, escalators, controlled environment, horticulture
Reach codes can be sited as an overlay to the Title 24 Energy Code or as a municipal code (e.g., Health & Safety, Fire Code, Building Code).
Is a Reach Code right for my city or town?
If your city is:
Seeking to improve energy efficiency and cost savings
Working toward goals for greenhouse gas reduction or carbon neutrality
Acting on a Climate Action Plan
Then a reach code can help you meet your goals. And if you are already interested in pursuing reach codes but are short on staff, outreach capacity, or technical expertise, 3C-REN can help.
Why now?
Over 70 jurisdictions in California have adopted reach codes to-date! Reach codes are an effective tool in GHG reduction, improving health and safety of residents, and meeting cost-effectiveness requirements in California building standards.
TDV cost-effective approaches for new buildings in Central Coast climate zones:
- All-Electric Prescriptive
- All-Electric Efficiency & PV
- Mixed Fuel Efficiency, PV, & Battery
How can 3C-REN help?
As of January 1, 2024, this service is in a state of transition, and we are unable to provide reach code technical support at this time. Please reach out to 3C-REN if you have any questions.
Our team offers no-cost expert guidance throughout the reach code adoption process.
More extensive support is available in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties, but supplemental support in Ventura County is provided by reach code programs from Southern California Edison and Clean Power Alliance.
Our support services include:
- Initial exploration and technical support from an experienced team of analysts and consultants
- Options modeling, expertise on different reach code types, CEC routes, and municipal code siting
- Education and outreach for staff, council members, industry professionals, and the public
- Development and review of draft ordinance language and technical reports
- Workforce education and training for contractors, code officials, and real estate professionals
- A $5,000 adoption award for jurisdictions who successfully adopt a reach code while utilizing 3C-REN’s services

A Community Effort
As of January 1, 2024, this service is in a state of transition, and we are unable to provide reach code technical support at this time. Please reach out to 3C-REN if you have any questions.
3C-REN delivers reach code support in partnership with TRC Engineers, California Statewide Codes & Standards, Central Coast Community Energy, and San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District.
Curious about cost-effectiveness, where reach codes have already been adopted, or draft ordinance language? Visit for a suite of interactive resources developed by the Statewide Codes & Standards team in partnership with PG&E, SoCalGas, and SDG&E.
Contact us at to get started!
There is no cost for 3C-REN services or programs. We’re here to support the region as we work together to improve energy efficiency.