When submitting a new construction residential project for permit in California, the project team will typically submit a CF-1R form to show compliance with the California Energy Code (Title 24 Part 6). These forms tend to be confusing at first glance, so we at 3C-REN are providing trainings and have the Code Coach hotline available to help clarify the most pertinent information.
We created a document, linked below, called “what to check on a CF-1R”, a condensed checklist of what we believe are the most impactful items to confirm accuracy on for the project. These items not only significantly impact the project’s compliance, but also are important to address to avoid plan check comments, construction changes, and inspection failures.
Here are three pages from the CF-1R and the comments we found most important.
Page 1, the General Information table. Here, we have eight fields that should be confirmed for accuracy, each of which impact the code requirements and compliance results.

There are also important fields to verify on Page 4. Often, the below elements are until construction is underway, causing issues for the builder and homeowner.
Here, you have the PV and Battery System requirements. You’ll find PV required on the majority of projects, while battery is increasingly showing up as it gives projects compliance credit.

Additionally, the “Water Heating Systems” section shown below, is a field that is often filled out erroneously. With the increase in heat pump water heaters and various distribution credits and recirculation loops, it’s important to confirm that what was designed is included on the forms and is being installed to match.
In the below section, you can see checks associated with the recirculation system and compliance credit items, including Compact Plumbing.

If this delivery of information was useful to you, please check out our events calendar at 3c-ren.org/calendar-of-events-and-trainings.
The on-demand webinar page at 3c-ren.org/on-demand-trainings
And feel free to reach out to the Code Coach Hotline for more information or to have your questions answered! 3c-ren.org/energy-code-coach
What to Check on a CF1R-PRF-01 for Building Departments reference sheets can be found in 3C-REN’s Resource Library and linked for quick reference:
What to Check on a CF1R-PRF-01 for Building Departments (2019 Code Cycle)
What to Check on a CF1R-PRF-01 for Building Departments (2022 Code Cycle)